How to Start Affiliate Marketing with Amazon: A Beginner’s Guide.

Start Affiliate Marketing with Amazon

Curious about Affiliate Marketing with Amazon? This beginner’s guide covers the steps you know to start earning. From setting up your account to promoting products, we make it easy for you to begin.

Check out my blog post for all the details on how to start Affiliate Marketing with Amazon

I’ve created a super simple guide to help you start making cash with Amazon. 🤑

No more boring jargon! Just easy-to-follow steps.


What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is like getting paid to share cool stuff online.

Imagine you love video games. You could tell your friends about an awesome game.

What if you got paid a little bit every time one of your friends bought that game using a special link you shared? That’s kind of like affiliate marketing!

Instead of video games, you can share almost anything.

Clothes, or tech gadgets, or books. You find products you like, share them with others, and earn money when they buy through your special link. It’s like getting a reward for helping people find cool stuff.

Why Affiliate Marketing with Amazon?

Amazon is like a giant store with everything. It’s super easy to find stuff people want.

When you become an Amazon affiliate, you can share links to millions of products.

People already trust Amazon, so they’re more likely to buy when they see something they like on your website or social media.

Amazon makes it simple to track your sales and get paid. It’s a great place to start your affiliate marketing journey.

How Does the Amazon Affiliate Program Work?

Think of Amazon as a big store. You’re like a friend who helps other people find cool stuff in that store.

Amazon’s affiliate program is like a special club where you can get paid to help people find and buy things online.

To join the club, you need to sign up for an Amazon Associates account. It’s like getting a membership card. Once you’re in, you get special links for products. These links are like secret codes.

When someone clicks on your link and buys something, Amazon gives you a little bit of money. It’s like earning points for being a helpful friend!

The amount of money you get depends on what people buy. Some items pay more than others. You can check how much you’ve earned in your Amazon Associates account.

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Setting Up Your Amazon Affiliate Account.

To start earning money with Amazon, you need to create an Amazon Associates account. It’s like signing up.

Here’s how to do it.

  1. Go to the Amazon Associates website. It’s where you sign up to be an affiliate.
  2. Sign in or create an Amazon account. You’ll need an Amazon account to join the affiliate program.
  3. Fill out the application. Tell Amazon about your website or blog. Explain what kind of stuff you share with people.
  4. Wait for approval. Amazon will review your application. It might take a few days.

Once you’re approved, you’ll get a special ID number. This number helps Amazon track your sales. You’ll use it to make your special affiliate links.

Don’t worry if you don’t get approved right away. You can try again later. Make sure your website or blog is looking good before you apply.

Picking a niche.

Picking the right thing to share is super important. It’s like choosing your favorite video game. You want to pick something you love and know a lot about.

Think about what you’re really into.

  • What are your hobbies? Do you love cooking, gaming, or fashion?
  • What problems do you solve? Are you good at fixing computers or giving advice?
  • What are your friends interested in? What do they like to talk about?

Once you have a few ideas, you need to check if other people are interested too.

You can use the internet to see how many people are searching for things related to your idea.

Some tips for picking a good niche.

  1. Pick something you’re passionate about. It’ll be easier to talk about something you love.
  2. Find a niche with lots of people interested. You want to share your ideas with a big group.
  3. Look for products people actually buy. Choose a niche with things people need or want.

it’s okay, You can try different niches until you find the perfect one.

Product Research.

Now you know that, what you want to talk about, it’s time to find cool stuff to share. This is like picking the best games and share with your friends about it.

Look for products that.

  • People really like and need it.
  • Solve problems or make life easier.
  • Have good reviews from other people.

Use Amazon’s search bar to find products.

  1. Type in keywords related to your niche.
  2. Check out the bestsellers and most-wished-for items.
  3. Read reviews to see what people think.

Other places to find products.

  • Affiliate networks: These are websites that connect you with lots of different products.
  • Competitor websites: See what other people in your niche are sharing.

 share products that you would use or recommend to a friend. People can tell if you like something, so be honest and genuine.

Creating Awesome Content.

Now that you’ve picked a topic and found cool stuff to share, it’s time to create content.

This is like telling your friends about the awesome game you found.

People love to read and watch fun stuff, so make your content interesting:

  • Write blog posts: Share your thoughts on products, compare different things, or give tips and tricks.
  • Make videos: Show people how to use products or create fun challenges.
  • Use pictures: Make your content look good with eye-catching images.

Be honest and helpful.

  1. Tell people why you like a product.
  2. Mention both good and bad things about it.
  3. Answer questions people might have.

Don’t just talk about the product.

  • Share your own story or experience.
  • Give people tips or advice related to the product.
  • Make it fun and engaging.

Use your special links.

  • Put your affiliate links in your content, but don’t be too pushy.
  • Make sure it’s clear that you’ll get paid if people buy through your link.

Your goal is to help people, not just sell stuff. If you create helpful and interesting content, people will trust you and buy through your links.

Share Your Links.

Now, it’s time to tell people about it! This is like telling your friends that you have something special and want to share it with them

There are lots of ways to share your links.

  • Your website or blog: This is your own special place on the internet. You can write about products, make videos, and share your links there.
  • Social media: Share your links on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter. Use cool pictures and videos to get people interested.
  • Email: Send emails to your friends and family about the cool stuff you found.
  • Online communities: Join groups where people talk about your niche. Share your links, but be careful not to spam.

Remember to be a good friend.

  • Don’t just share links. Tell people why they should care.
  • Be honest and genuine. People can tell if you like something.
  • Build relationships with people. They’re more likely to buy from someone they trust.
  • Pay attention to what people like and share.
  • Try different things to see what gets the best results.

Sharing your links is like planting seeds. You might not get instant results, but with patience and hard work, you can grow a successful affiliate marketing garden.

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Find out  What’s Working: Tracking Your Success.

Imagine sharing your favorite game with a bunch of friends. Wouldn’t you want to know who liked the game and bought it? That’s why tracking your affiliate marketing is important.

Amazon makes it easy to see how you’re doing.

  1. Check your Amazon Associates account: You can see how many people clicked your links and how much money you made.
  2. Look at your website or social media stats: See which posts are getting the most attention.

Other ways to track your success.

  • Use special tracking tools: Some websites and apps can help you track your links and see where your sales are coming from.
  • Pay attention to what works: If something is working, do more of it! If something isn’t working, try something different.

Learn from your mistakes.

  • Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away.
  • Try new things and experiment.
  • Keep learning and improving.

Tracking your progress is like keeping a score in a game. It helps you know what’s working and what you need to improve.

Growing Your Affiliate Business.

So, you’re making some money with your affiliate links. That’s awesome! But what if you could make even more? Let’s talk about how to grow your affiliate business.

The key is to reach more people.

  1. Create more content: Write more blog posts, make more videos, or share more on social media.
  2. Expand your reach: Find new places to share your content. Maybe try guest posting on other websites or starting a podcast.
  3. Build an email list: Collect people’s email addresses so you can send them updates and special offers.

Add more value.

  • Become an expert: People love to learn from experts. Share your knowledge and become an expert in your niche.
  • Create helpful tools: Offer freebies or resources to attract new people to your website.
  • Build a community: Connect with other people who share your interests. This can help you grow your audience.

Work with other people.

  • Partner with other affiliates: Team up with people in similar niches to reach a bigger audience.
  • Collaborate with brands: Work with companies to promote their products.

 Growing your affiliate business takes time and effort. Be patient, keep learning, and don’t give up!


Q: What is the best niche for Amazon affiliate marketing?

A: The best niche is something you’re passionate about and know a lot about. It could be anything from tech gadgets to cooking or fashion.

The key is to find something people are interested in and buy.

Q: How much money can I make with Amazon affiliate marketing?

A: The amount of money you can make depends on many things, like how popular your niche is, how much traffic you get to your website or social media, and how well you promote products.

Some people make a little extra cash, while others build full-time businesses.

Q: Do I need a website to start affiliate marketing with Amazon?

A: It’s not always necessary. You can start by sharing products on social media. But if you want to build a bigger following and make more money, a website can be a good investment.

Q: How long does it take to see results from affiliate marketing with Amazon?

A: Building a successful affiliate marketing business takes time and effort. It might take a few months to start seeing good results.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t make a lot of money instantly. Keep working hard and learning new things.

Q: Can I promote my affiliate links on social media?

A: Absolutely! Social media is a great way to reach people and share your affiliate links. Just make sure to follow the platform’s rules and be genuine.

Q: What if I don’t know anything about marketing?

A: That’s okay! You can learn as you go. There are lots of free resources online to help you get started.

You can also find mentors or join online communities to get support.

Q: Is affiliate marketing legal?

A: Yes, affiliate marketing is completely legal. As long as you follow Amazon’s rules and disclose your affiliate relationship, you’re good to go.

Q: Do I need to pay any fees to become an Amazon affiliate?

A: No, there are no fees to join the Amazon Associates Program. You only earn money when people buy products through your links.


Affiliate marketing can be a fun and rewarding way to make money online. By sharing your passion for products with others, you can build a successful business.

Remember, it takes time and effort to build a strong affiliate marketing presence. Be patient, keep learning, and don’t give up. The more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it.

So, what are you waiting for? Start your affiliate marketing journey today! Pick a niche you love, create awesome content, and share your links with the world.

With hard work and dedication, you can turn your passion into profit.

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